
Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry

Chisinau, Moldova

The main mission of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAFI) is to ensure the proper implementation of the governmental program concerning the development and implementation of a sustainable state policy in the agribusiness sector. This shall be achieved by increasing its competitiveness and raising the productivity as well as by ensuring the compliance with the established international/European safety standards for food and providing the necessary preconditions for permanent growth and welfare.

Main responsibilities are:

• to develop, promote and ensure the implementation of national and sectoral strategies, policies, programs, action plans, standards and requirements related to food market, organic production (cultivated plants and plant products), livestock (animal production) and food safety and to provide their impact analysis, strategic planning, monitoring and assessment and were necessary, to adjust them to the European integration priorities and requirements;

• to ensure the food safety level of the country in terms of quality, quantity and accessibility;

• to coordinate/manage the international and national programs for technical and financial assistance to support the reform of the food market and food safety;

• to represent the country in relation with other international organizations/instruments in the respective field.

The Directorate of Foreign Relations and Marketing is a subdivision of MAFI. It coordinates and implements in due course the commercial and economic, technical and scientific collaboration, foreign investments and marketing with the other countries. Moreover, it provides assistance to the organizations, institutions and enterprises subordinated to the Ministry in the establishment of joint ventures and attraction of foreign investments for their modernization and implementation of new technologies.

