
Presentatiosn from the CEI Ministerial Conference - Renewable Energy in a Bio-based Economy: The Option of Next Generation Biofuels

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Next Generation Biofuels and their contribution to a Bio-based Economy was the topic of the thematic CEI Ministerial Conference “Renewable Energy in a Bio-based Economy: The Option of Next Generation Biofuels”, organised back to back with the Ministerial Meeting on 20 September 2012. Ministers and their representatives for Science and Technology, Energy, Environment, Agriculture and Economy, together with High-level Officials of the European Commission and international experts recognised the challenge of Next Generation Biofuels as "a multi-faceted and priority option for any eco-friendly strategy" and for a bio-based economy in the CEI region. The basis for discussions was offered by the Report commissioned by the CEI to the Bloomberg - New Energy Finance about the perspectives on Next Generation Biofuels and other Bio-products in the CEI Region, published in March 2012. It was agreed that it is necessary to promote not only the research and development but also the concrete results coming from pilot demonstration projects or industrial projects. The CEI has developed three concrete initiatives for promoting biofuels and biofuels technologies, which are to be supported by the European Union through its funding programme.
Central European Initiative
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