
University of Leeds

Leeds, United Kingdom
Diesel biofuels: electricity generation with 100% biofuel with methyl ester and raw biofuel. Emissons including aldehydes and particle size and influence on thermal efficiency. Additives for biofuel applications. Lube oil influences of biofuels. (Prof. Andrews), transport biofuels and their real world emissions performance in Euro 1-4 diesels. Cold start with 100% biofuels and with blends of biofuels. (Prof. Andrews) Atmospheric chemistry of emissions from biofuel combustion including the role of aldehydes (Prof. A. Tomlin) Biofuel plant science for enhance yields of bio-crops. Univeristy farm for trial crop yields. Genetic engineering of crops for enhanced yield and improved CV. (David Pilbeam). Minimally processed biofuels for maximum GG reductions. (Dr. David Carslaw).
