The 2nd International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions








IMPORTANT UPDATE, September 22, 2020:  

The pandemic which led to the delay of the conference by one year is not subsiding as we hoped half a year ago. With deep regrets, we have concluded that we cannot organize a normal conference in May next year and need to delay the conference further. We will come back with a new date for the conference when the situation allows, with the hope of hosting the conference in the fall of 2021.  


The 2nd International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions will be held at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. The purpose of this conference series is to bring together a wide range of scientists, experts and stakeholders, in order to engage in various aspects of research relating to negative CO2 emissions. This will include various negative emission technologies, climate modelling, climate policies and incentives. The main topics of the conference, around which the sessions will be built, include:

BECCS, Biospheric storage, Cross-cutting sessions, Direct air capture, Enhanced weathering, Modeling, Ocean alkalization

Chalmers University of Technology
18-21 May 2021
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