Workshop: Study on actual GHG data for diesel, petrol, kerosene and natural gas
The sustainability criteria for biofuels are based on the GHG calculations undertaken by the JRC- ACEA-Concawe work. The GHG data for the biofuels are compared to diesel and petrol. However, although real and actual data are used for biofuels with a significant range of values and with maximum and minimum points these are compared only to average singular points for diesel or petrol. No detailed information has been provided on how these average singular points have been determined and on which specific data they are based. In order to have a transparent comparison between biofuels and fossil fuels it is necessary to determine the actual GHG emission from diesel and petrol by comparing the GHG from oil and gas originating from various geographical areas and different types of operations taking into account other environmental concerns wherever appropriate.
A questionnaire was sent out to stakeholders and EXERGIA, the consortium coordinator, received 114 submissions. On 28 November, 2014, DG ENER organised a workshop where the contractors presented the results of a literature survey and their basic modelling structures and approach.
DG ENER is organising the final workshop of this tender contract on 8 July 2015 during which the results of the project and the analysis of the questionnaire will be presented and discussed with stakeholders.
If you wish to attend the workshop, please complete the Registration Form